For the development, design and implementation of conversions and new buildings I offer tailor-made proposals: Individual modules that make sense for the single construction task and correspond to the time, budgetary and entrepreneurial possibilities.

With my many years of experience in the design and implementation of national and international interior design projects, especially in the hospitality sector, I would like to focus more on basic research, preliminary design and drafting, as they form the cornerstone of sustainable planning. The planning work for interior design is divided into nine service phases; my offer is focused on LPH 1-4. Because not every project requires all planning steps, these can be commissioned as individual modules.

Recognize potential. Develop visions. Define goals. Clarify methods.
Seeing the big picture. Use what exists and weigh what makes sense.
Showing who you are. Making innovation visible with interior design.
Both sides understand. Design, budget and timing at a glance.
Learning from each other for the future.
Unsure about the potential of your dream property?
“I work with you
1. a pleasant personality, easy and open to collaboration
2. a long experience with both cool and important projects
3. a skillful and competent interior architect”.

Erik Johannes – Stylt Trampoli, Sweden